Dimples (2008)



User Rating
7.0/10 43 votes

On a Saturday morning, Frances jolts awake from a frightening dream. That afternoon, while on a road trip with four friends, a bizarre chain of events leads her to a secluded house where a little girl lives with a man she refers to only as, „The Doctor”. Here, Frances uncovers grisly horrors the little girl is subjected to and as Frances fights to save her young soul, her friends fight to save themselves from the monster the doctor has created.


„Dimples” is a very creepy movie and that’s why I like it. This movie is well thought and well written. The actors were perfectly chosen for the film. In case you haven’t noticed, most of them have been acting since they were kids. They all did a great job.

I especially love the actress (Summer Davis) that played the little girl. She was really good! Her acting is a lot better than the girl from the „Ring.”

„Dimples” is pretty creepy himself. He’s scarier than all of those characters like Freddy and Jason. I will definitely buy this movie. This movie is meant to be seen over and over again, especially on Halloween.

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Good Luck Chuck (2007)

Trailer HD

1080p, 720p and 420p

User Rating
5.5/10 19,014 votes


In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for another
guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that has made him wildly
popular with single women: Sleep with Charlie once, and the next
man you meet will be your true love.


A very uneven comedy. If 3 out of every 10 jokes working is enough for you, then go ahead.

If you’re hoping to see Dane Cook (nearly) undressed, you won’t be disappointed. He strips more in this movie than Demi Moore in „Striptease”.

If you’re hoping to see Jessica Alba undressed – too bad! Scanty attire is the best you’ll get.

If you’re hoping to see Dane be as funny as he is in his stand-up – you’ll be disappointed.

If you’re hoping to see Jessica be funny – what are you, nuts? She’s got no comedy chops! And that old tired „pretty girl falls down a lot” shtick wasn’t funny when it became a movie cliché about 5 years ago.

The only funny moments seem to be when Dane is improvising. When he’s doing the written parts of the script, it clunks hard. (Him dressed in a penguin costume? Yikes.) The two leads try SO hard to show us they have chemistry (a lot of shoulder wiggling and cutesy facial expressions mostly) that it backfires.

There were a lot of gross-out moments that just weren’t funny – the fat sidekick scrubbing his backflap with a scrub-brush for sexual pleasure, a penguin eating his crap, two seduction scenes with obese women (straight out of „Norbit” – also unfunny).

The sidekick is so foul and obnoxious he throws the movie completely off-balance. You feel like the movie needs a sorbet after one of his scenes to get the bad taste out of your mouth.

The only likable person was the guy playing Jessica’s brother (Lonny Ross of „30 Rock”). I actually think he might have made a better romantic lead, than Dane – who was somehow off-putting.

Maybe Dane will have more input into his next comedy movie. Maybe that will help.

Meet Dave (2008)

Trailer HD


User Rating:
4.1/10 (6,025 votes)

A crew of miniature aliens operate a
spaceship that has a human form.
While trying to save their planet, the aliens
encounter a new problem, as their ship

Truth is, I’ve always been a sucker for sci-fi comedies. From Weird Science through Men in Black all the day down to Evolution, I like my science fiction bagged with a nice big grin and an ironic wink. This is especially the case with big blockbuster seasons, when most of the studios take their movies ever so seriously, diving into the psychological depths of rejected superheroes (Hancock) or preaching against violence through supposed fantasy flicks for kids (Prince Caspian).

Amongst all those harsh and poker faced action movies, something’s gotta give. Cue Eddie Murphy’s endless range of facial expressions and a nice refreshing plot about a giant spaceship in the shape of… well, Eddie Murphy; and you’ve got yourself a feel-good movie to cool out your warm summer days and supply harmless fun for all the family, along with some good old eye-candy.

In Meet Dave, veteran comedian Murphy plays a double-role as he does in most of his films; only this time – thank goodness – we don’t get to see him in a fat suit. The audience meets him first as a huge man-shaped spaceship that crashes into Earth, in search of a long lost device that might save the planet Nill, a faraway world that inhabits extremely small earthlings. Inside Starship Murphy there’s a whole crew of Nilleans, led by their captain (portrayed by – surprise surprise – Eddie Murphy) and several main officers, the most prominent of which is a compassionate cultural officer, referred to only as No.3 (portrayed by Gabrielle Union from Bad Boys II and Daddy’s Little Girl). The whole crew of this Star Trek-ie spaceship must navigate the vessel throughout the hazardous streets of New York while searching for the device. Numerous comic situations ensue, as the gang tries to adopt human characteristics to their ship, which finds it quite difficult to smile; speak in a normal tone (at first it’s so high pitched, I laughed myself silly for well over a minute); or shake hands properly.

The plot moves quickly and has an interesting anthropological approach towards humanity as seen from the eyes of the aliens living inside the Starship Dave, while each of the crew members in turn also adopt human emotions. The core of the movie evolves, however, through Dave’s encounters with local widower Gina Morrison and her son, Josh, who evoke the human core within the Captain and his crew. However, the action only starts here, as there are countless dangers that face this odd relationship – both from the world outside as well as from inside the spaceship.

All in all, I found Meet Dave (formerly known as Starship Dave) to be a nice and refreshing summer matinée (I had the pleasure of watching a sneak preview of the film on July 6th in Ramat Gan, Israel). After suffering through Murphy’s crude humor and rather tasteless jokes in the awful Norbit, Meet Dave – with it’s inoffensive humor, clever premise and universal values – redeemed Murphy in my eyes. So yeah, it does borrow freely from films such as Honey I Shrunk the Kids and television series such as Herman’s Head – but in a world full of rehashed ideas and themes used over and over again, it still earns points for originality in my book.

Surprisingly, this was a nice little cinematic treat that actually made me smile and feel good about myself! I gave it a strong 9 out of 10.
becomes smitten with an Earth woman.

The Andromeda Strain (2008)



Credibility was given the first version for the usual reasons. Is there really anyone who hasn’t seen the first one? One of those was that their were gray-hairs in charge of the project and working in the lab. I find it hard to see where the survival of the entire planet would be given to a handful of young scientists. It’s more like „The Andromeda Strain for kids”. I understand that everyone who does a remake feels compelled to „update” by adding more time and effort to the sub-plots, but really! The original version was tight and tense for it’s time. The story was compressed into a normal time slot of approximately two hours. Dragging this story out with unnecessary sub-plots and editing out pertinent data derived from the book is a good example of how to take a good story and ruin it by forcing and expanding sub-plots where they were never needed. Would be a good example for film school on what not to do in a remake.

Rest Stop: Don’t Look Back (2008)



One year after the disappearance of Jesse and Nicole, Jesse’s brother Tom (a corporal in the Army, fresh on leave from Iraq) and two friends are on the trail. Although the police were unable to do anything, these three quickly stumble on the same path from a year before… encountering the religious family, the driver… and more. Will they meet the same fate? I really enjoyed „Rest Stop” and seeing that the same people – most of the original cast (Jaime Alexander is noticeably absent), plus John Shiban and Shawn Papazian – had returned, I figured this one couldn’t be too bad. But my feelings are mixed. While some of it was pretty good, other aspects came across as lacking. I’ll start with the defects and then go back to the merits.

The casting confused me. Both Tom Hilts (Richard Tillman) and his friend Jared (Graham Norris) weren’t overly likable, and they came across as awkward. I had no interest in caring about them. The girlfriend (Jessie Ward) was good as far as being the „sexy chick”, but beyond that had little to offer. Was I supposed to care about her? The other big concern was that while the creators had said they wanted to expand the mythology of the first film, almost every scene was covering the same territory all over again. It’s true that new details about the driver emerged, and there was some added mythology, but not really enough to make this film seem progressive.

My final concern was the use of torture. I understand torture was used in the first film on the bus, but it seems like it was increased for this flick. For no particular reason. Having one character be turned on another? Excruciatingly painful incidents that do little or nothing in punishing sin, as near as I can tell. If you’re going to use torture, use it sparingly. The torture meme has taken over horror and I have been sick of it for some time now… it’s not scary, it’s just getting played out and boring.

But the film is not without its merits. There’s a great bathroom scene… an intense sex scene which could have gone further but goes pretty far as it is… and more of those creepy twins. The use of gritty filming (like in „Devil’s Rejects”) returns, which I think adds a lot of character (and should be used more, not less). And for those who liked the first film, this fills in some blanks that may have been lingering in the minds of viewers.

Overall, „Rest Stop: Don’t Look Back” was not a necessary part of the series and could have gone without being made. I feel that for what was added, it wasn’t nearly enough. At the same time, the film sets the stage for a „Rest Stop 3”, since now there’s bound to be questions needing answers for some people. I’m curious. I don’t know if they can adequately answer my concerns about the plot, but they have my endorsement if they are willing to try. Just please… more plot, less torture.